Sunday, 6 November 2011

James Pockson

In a small corner of Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club a plywood board obtrudes from the wall. Its pale, wood-chipped texture is distinctly at odds with the smooth varnished wooden panels which covers the permanent wall. As I walk into the room the panel gradually reveals a staircase- also in plywood- seemingly leading nowhere. Perhaps this is just a construction to facilitate a performance which is going to happen later in the evening? It is strangely alone and isolated as bodies rush past, avoiding this strange precariously new structure. Only later, when said performance is getting into its 25th minute do I glance around the room, upto the suspended ceiling tiles do I notice that one is mis-placed. This mis-placed tile is above the staircase. I approach it and ascend carefully, wiling to stop at the interruption of an invigilator but when I reach the top, and look through the gap, do I see a vast, domed ceiling from which the tiles are suspended.

This work by architect James Pockson is part of collective 20//20’s occupation of Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club, yet of all the works, this seems to be the strongest intervention in the space. This work is not simply laid over the fabric of the building but physically interfering with it. By removing a layer of the building’s skin, the work entices a new dialogue in the space; it creates a deeper and more complicated understanding of a building which has seemed to achieve a harmony between working man’s social club and young creatives’ venue. The work exposes a history which it does not explain; it sets off the imagination and allows a past to co-exist with the present.

This work is one of a number of recent works which take temporality ad historic narratives as their themes. From re-enactment of historic events (Jeremy Deller and Anri Sala) and artworks (Once More With Feeling Orianna Fox) to the layering of historic and futuristic narratives onto spaces, for example last year’s Turner Prize winner, Susan Phillpsz or her contender the Otolith Group. Each of these works, in their very different ways, shift focus onto the present moment by their revision to the past and future. Pockson’s work at BGWMC refrains from a specific narrative as Phillipsz’ or Deller’s work does, it engages with physical ruin rather than that of memory of political ideas. His revelation of physical layers reminds of the traces of history which remain invisible around us yet which speak of histories which we can directly relate too. The work does not extol the virtues of preservation or retro-mania, which the BGWMC certainly profits from, it subtly comments on the vacuity of appearances by allowing the viewer to discover this secret glory in their own time.

Monday, 29 August 2011

An intern's perspective OMA/ Progress

I have been busy working, or should say interning, at the Barbican Art Gallery over the summer. I have been working on the OMA/ Progress show which will open on 6th October. The exhibition will focus on the work of Dutch architecture firm OMA (formerly known as the Office for Metropolitan Architecture) and is guest-curated by Rotor, a design collective from Belgium. OMA, perhaps one of the most famous practitioners of post-modern architecture, will be seen through the eyes of this group of young designers, whose interest is in the use and re-use of materials. Its a very busy time in the exhibition preparation; and an intern rarely gets asked what they think of the entire concept of an exhibition, but I wanted to put some thoughts down and share them with you.

In this collaboration, it seems that the traits of post-modern practice- samplings and sections from different styles amalgamated- find their temporality again in the combination of newly-made and degraded materials. Whereas classical objects and un-plastered walls could sit together in OMA's design for the Hermitage; questioning ideas of preservation and age, in Rotor's practice, objects and materials exist in the present. Different items sit together, occupying the same space and time to speak their own history: hence they have named the concept of the show 'a field of exhibits', in which every item shown is an object, no matter its dimensional quality. However, this should not simply be seen as a college of multiple parts but a texture to be explored. The architectural models, that feature in the exhibition, have (as conservation has allowed) been left as they were found in the archive, with flagging materials and missing parts. Consequently, this is not a history of the buildings but of the practice as a whole, with its founding partner Rem Koolhaas at the centre, acting as a kind of gravitational pull.

It will be an interesting exhibition, like many at the Barbican, for its mode of curation and display. It will challenge what a museum can do; and what should be presented in it. It will question the whole spatial and temporal mode of an exhibition and consequently how objects can and should be viewed. It is an exhibition and a test of perception.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

I must apologise....

for my extreme delay in writing anything on this blog. Perhaps following Daphne de Maurier I have been too content to write (for her, writing was like an affliction which ran concurrently with the sadder moments of her life (see previous post)). Never fear, though, turbulence has returned to my existence; both personally- the thud to reality, finding a job and learning to live- and nationally- the riots which have sprung up in London and, as I write, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham and Liverpool.

Again, never fear, this blog will try not to turn into self-indulgent moaning about the lack of jobs (there are plenty, there are just plenty of other people) and neither will it attempt to explain rioting or condemn it- how can we adequately comment on these events at this proximity to them? Rather, this blog will maintain its original function as a space to think and write things down. I hope any readers will also comment or e-mail me with provocations, replies etc.

This post serves as a re-introduction and if I don't live up to to its claims feel free to ballast me with comments below.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Collectivity, Art and Activism: a beginning

So after another essay, an exam and a trip to New York I return enriched and culturally saturated. My increased freedom post-New York has allowed time for more exhibitions in London and having visited Gabriel Orozco at Tate Modern, Susan Hiller at Tate Britain, British Art Show 7 at the Hayward as well as Modern British Sculpture at the RA my quota of block-busters is full to the brim, and my wallet empty. Even with student concession (and a boyfriend with a Tate staff card) the entry fee to these exhibitions is steep, with Susan the most pricey at £12. I am not going to launch into a scathing rant about this but I think it is a point worth making especially in consideration of my current area of research; expanded art practices.

Since Joseph Kosuth's 'MoMA Annual Pass', a forged replica of the MoMA entry card, stamped with an official-looking Art Worker's Coalition logo, institutional critique has been at the fore front of activist-art practice. The Art Worker's Coalition (AWC) set-up in 1969 began with an open meeting in which artists, writers, critics, museum-employers (anybody who worked in the arts sector) was invited to go along an air their grievances. There was little consensus and to give a short history the group had dissolved in alternative, varied activist practices by 1971. (For a more complete history see Francis Frascina's 'Art Politics and Dissent'). However Kosuth's work, in all its conceptual brilliance parallels a very current predicament. The increasing prices of institutions' 'special exhibitions' in London and the general admission fee in American museums are creating specific social groups of viewers. Ok, so admission fees are not extortionate and necessary, in the current situation of arts funding, but the worrying corollary of this pressured situation is an increase in fees beyond the affordable. Ironically the threat is most evident for those trying to get into the art sector struggling on a part-time wage in the capital to support unpaid internships.

Although Kosuth's card has passed into the institution that it sought to critique, the AWC's brand of collectivity is becoming a model for new art practice. The expanded art practices I cite as my current area of research include collectivity, along with activist art, relational aesthetics, social art and littoral art. These methods of working, outside the institution, interacting in the everyday find their precedent even further back than the AWC, in the Art Worker's Guild and in the Women's Suffrage (although the model is in reverse; politics infringes on art through iconoclasm). The dynamics of interaction between the ever-separated models of art and politics, autonomy and heteronomy, aesthetics and ethics is fought out in these groups. The model of group practice, unlike Kosuth's card, will not be folded down into the museum and although we may register the limits of success of certain groups the resilience of the group, of the collective is surely important.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Looking and seeing

So I'm back in essay mode and this time the topic is Jacques Ranciere's essay 'The Intolerable Image'. Ranciere asks what makes an image intolerable? Is it the content? Or the conclusions drawn from that content by an implictaed viewer? His essay concentrates on war photography and mainly examples of the representation of war in art work. From Martha Rosler's violent juxtaposition of Vietnamese victims in pristine American homes to Alfredo Jaar's object approach to showing and concealing. His essay deals with the problem of representing through the medium of photography. Rolling out the old dialogue, on the one hand the photograph is a direct imprint of reality on the other an always-composed snippet of one distinct viewpoint removed from any kind of reality. My summing up will be left there (the essay isn't written yet!)

My tutor suggested I look to the 2008 Brighton Photo Biennial which was entitled Memory of Fire; War Images and Images of War in which (another tutor) Julian Stallabrass curated 8 sites on the South coast along the theme of war images. The exhibitions were diverse and multiplicitous, a gesture which Stallabrass hoped would lead to more clarity, no doubt through questions proposed rather than answers given. Reviews describe the breadth of exhibition; the positivity of showing images from sides, the inclusion of media from photojournalism, amateur and anonymous photography and art works, the time-span from World War 2, to Vietnam and Iraq. Yet they also tiptoe around the precarious subject of content. Should images of war be put on display in an exhibition?

Ok so back to Ranciere to answer that question? I'll argue that in my essay. Right now it has made me question exhibtions in general. How do we look, when we visit exhibitions. What are we looking for? Do we go with open eyes? Or those loaded with expectation? Unanswerable questions. But it begs the question, especially with the rise of the big institutions such as Tate, should art exhibitions be relegated to realm of leisure activity? Should we go looking at war photography on a Sunday afternoon for pleasure? No and this is not imply that art can or should not be enjoyed or that it requires immense thought and critical analysis but when faced with the photograph of a face blown apart on the fields of Somme, the question becomes pertinent.

In this year (or three) or government cuts to the arts we must rescue our instutions and museums from being solely leisure facilities dependent on visitor numbers into interrogative and challenging, educational and economical places. These images must have space to be shown outside the context of the media circus in order for questions of viewing and representation to be asked. We have to be brave enough to face upto these images yet also to realise when an image is one too far (as Stallabrass and photographer Simon Norfolk did in one of the Biennials exhibitions), a good exhibition, like that in 2008, should allow us to do so.

Link to 2008 biennial website:

Image: Simon Norfolk